Thursday, 2nd May 2024
Alex Buabeng-Korsah
THEME SCRIPTURE: And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.” – Luke 12:15
- Why should we beware of covetousness?
As Jesus was teaching, He was interrupted by a man with an impertinent request. This man requested that Jesus become an arbiter in a dispute with his brother. Apparently, this dispute is over an inheritance (Luke 12:13). What did Jesus do? He rejected the suggestion that He should be involved in a family dispute. Jesus did not stop there. He ceased the opportunity to address the critical problem at the heart of the case presented before Him.
How is it that it requires arbitration before an inheritance given to two people can be shared? Only when greed is present do men struggle over an inheritance they did not work for.
Jesus warned us about greed by saying that we should be alert, guarding our hearts from greed, and always wishing for more, thinking that our lives are getting better by getting more material things. That is a lie because a man’s life does not consist in [or is not measured by] the material things he possesses. Greed can push a man so far as to take advantage of his own brother, use people, cheat, and withhold that which belongs to others. However, life’s meaning, beloved, cannot be found in our possessions. Not at all.
On the other hand, there is also the tendency of reverse greed, abhorring possessions as though they were evil in themselves.
Thus, the problem is not the possessions but what is in man’s heart—greed. So then, there is nothing wrong with having possessions if you acknowledge that you are a steward. That is, God gave them to you to redistribute and be a blessing to others. Gert Behanna, an evangelist, shared her life story in her book, The Late Liz. This true story of Gert shows how the gospel reached a rich and miserable society woman, a hopeless alcoholic with a third wrenching divorce, and a son who disowned her. She came to the end, but through the gospel, she found it just the beginning. She was converted to Christ in the later years of her life and, at that time, felt led to give away her fortunes. She later regretted her decision. She often iterated how much she would have enjoyed having that fortune for the people and the causes God had laid in her heart. God took care of her though, but she missed the opportunity to be a godly steward of what God endowed her.
Beloved, where do you stand? In greed or out of greed?
Do you want more for yourself, or are you looking for more to do more for the gospel and the people God has brought your way? Do you see yourself hoarding more or giving more currently in your life? The man who will give more when God endows him with more is the one who is already giving to be a blessing. Do you measure your life’s worth by how much you have or who you are in Christ? These and many more questions we need to reflect upon to assess whether our hearts are infested with greed. Take heed if you see greed in your heart today, and if you do not, guard your heart from all forms of greed. Remain blessed.
FURTHER READING – Luke 12:13-34
Call to Salvation: Today is your day if you have not received salvation by turning over your life to Jesus Christ. Click here to do so.
- How attached are you to material things in your life?
Precious Lord, search my heart and if there is any iniquity of greed, please have mercy upon me. Where I have measured my blessings only in material possessions, I receive your pardon. I choose to measure my life in Christ, knowing that if I have Jesus, I am worth more than the world. Hallelujah!
1-Year Reading Plan
Deuteronomy 18; Ecclesiastes 10; Acts 9